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版主: jjshan
This area is set up for fans who do not know chinese.  Please issue new threads and reply messages in English.  Thank you very much for your cooperation!
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公告 公告: 郭鋒 ~ 新浪微博 jjshan 2013-3-16    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 請大家幫忙提供郭郭演出的資料 attachment jjshan 2018-1-20 00:19 172299 3895598506 2025-2-18 17:50
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 《珊峰留言園地》版塊權限 Restrictions of Chatting Room digest  ...234 classic05 2009-8-1 19:04 7210163 山谷 2024-7-11 16:55
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 幫主離世之消息 attachment  ...23 classic05 2017-7-9 20:26 577527 山谷 2024-7-11 15:43
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 摯愛:永遠的歐陽珮珊(短版視頻) - [阅读权限 10] ...2 classic05 2017-7-30 19:29 234765 山谷 2024-7-11 15:42
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 美得有真实的一面 digest  ...23456 SSYY 2009-7-28 06:09 10414110 山谷 2024-7-11 15:41
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 珊迷峰迷自我介紹貼 Fans' Self Introduction attachment digest  ...23456..7 jjshan 2009-5-20 00:44 12920398 山谷 2024-7-11 14:08
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 關於如何顯示圖片(how to display picture)  ...2 classic05 2009-11-28 09:00 203510 diogini2023 2023-6-7 23:15
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 可以轉換版面風格 (不定期更新)  ...23 jjshan 2009-8-22 21:59 426531 pgslotzaa 2022-8-29 14:03
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 珮珊姐的信(一)~2007年12月  ...23456..8 天天 2009-2-23 11:01 15415823 為她勇敢 2022-4-12 19:39
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 珮珊姐的信(二)~2012年11月 classic05 2017-7-30 09:22 172470 至爱佩珊 2018-4-16 10:03
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 幫主之喪禮-7月30日在九龍殯儀館東海堂 classic05 2017-7-28 20:05 193491 jiangxixi 2017-8-8 07:17
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Problems of leaving message for new registrar jjshan 2012-1-15 00:39 82571 猪领班 2012-1-20 23:58
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [【Sharing】] English Lounge 英語版块 jjshan 2009-9-25 11:05 370 咪咪貓 2009-9-25 12:20
[【Photos】] The Clones attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 Magnolia 2012-10-26 10:10 22535 qwerty 2024-9-2 20:50
[【Sharing】] Happy Halloween! 萬聖節快樂! attachment  ...2 Magnolia 2012-10-31 03:25 26215 朵繁多uqk 2021-1-9 04:59
[【Articles】] Talented Pui Shan involves in Roman's musical play jjshan 2009-9-24 22:53 17169 修费鲕glg 2021-1-8 19:11
[【其他Others】] Susanna's website closed for revamping? heatlevel Magnolia 2012-10-17 02:03 1087 翔澄昱biv 2021-1-8 19:09
[【Sharing】] How to create new topic(s) and reply message(s) classic05 2009-9-25 08:05 63467 Peterguice 2020-12-29 08:31
[【Sharing】] Happy Holidays!! attachment Magnolia 2014-12-25 11:08 8103 daniela_chen 2015-1-2 18:57
[【Sharing】] 聖誕快樂,新年快樂!Merry Xmas!! - [阅读权限 30]attachment  ...2 Magnolia 2012-12-22 13:19 24226 rinda 2013-1-4 02:02
[【Sharing】] Birthday wishes to Susanna jjshan 2010-11-12 00:40 464 jjshan 2010-11-13 01:07
[【Sharing】] Blessing for 33rd wedding anniversary jjshan 2010-9-1 00:02 353 咪咪貓 2010-9-6 12:05
[【其他Others】] Million Thanks! 1a2b3c 2010-6-13 03:53 364 小杰 2010-6-13 21:02
[【Sharing】] 8 May ~ Memorable day jjshan 2010-5-5 00:31 8108 jjshan 2010-5-6 15:51
[【其他Others】] Kwok Fung's Birthday heatlevel jjshan 2009-10-17 12:07 682 挚爱百里君 2009-11-24 18:09
[【其他Others】] Letter from Susanna (12/2007) jjshan 2009-9-24 22:25 10105 jjshan 2009-10-7 23:56


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手机版|Archiver|郭鋒 歐陽珮珊 Samuel Kwok Fung & Susanna Au Yeung Pui Shan

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